lørdag 14. april 2012

Follow-up... (homage to a great aunt)

I DO want to thank one special person... my aunt Gro! She and I can be as different as oil and water, but she has been ever loyal, and supporting, even in hard times, where I did things I am not proud of! Best of all; she is a person who will always be honest with you and tell you what you need to hear! So despite all of our different believes politically etc... I look up to her as a person who can see through the "bullshit", and for being a very un-dramatic lady :D 

Always with much love to give, not holding it back and making you feel like you have to prove yourself to "earn" her goodwill! She has also faced tough times, but with grace and style, and I will always respect my crazy-funny aunt for being so free and impulsive and accepting!