mandag 21. mars 2011

The "little" things...

It is the little things that can comfort us, since the little things is what botheres us in the first place!

LIBYA... uprising??

Sooo, most of us, practically EVERYBODY knows the situation in North Africa. We were watching with proud hearts when the opposition demanded that Mubarak had to GO! Well, I gotta tell ya' that living all the way up here in the Scandinavia, kinda offers a very false, but warm cosy feeling of SAFETY!! Oh, the ironi... because as an old traveller, backpacker, adventurer etc. I know.. that the world is SOOO, so, so, so, SO (!) SMALL!!!! I could tell you storys of THE most random "rendezvous" I've personally had with people who are close to me, ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD!! Yeah, yeah, this ain't the most political blog, although I started writing it with that in mind.

Cutting the crap; is there anyone out there who would like to share their thoughts about whats going on in Libya? Maybe someone would like to "predict" what "colonel" Gadaffi are likely to do? You think he will follow S. Hussein, as a runaway, owerpowered, shadow of himself, or do you think this man has what it takes to withstand western coallistions? 

Just yesterday millitary commentators reffered to the "self-proclaimed" Colonel as a MAD MAN!! 

Harsh words.... fear on the way to, on, and away from the boarders. Most people flee to Egypt from Libya, at least during the last day, but there are also tales of human greatness, when we see interviews of people returning to Libya to fight Gadaffi :-D

I had a totally different blog in mind, but this, what I've been writing instead; PUSHED forward, and demanded first priority, soooo; I WILL write so, so, so much more about this shiz going on, this shiz I really and truly hope will AWAKEN the arab people that's still on the fence. 

Ok, I am not from a war-destroyed country, but the feeling of human greatness, the importance of democratic-freedom and empathy, these are steppingstones to our salvation <3