onsdag 20. april 2011


Sist jeg sjekket levde vi i det 21-århundre... 

Jeg var under den overbevisning at psykiske sykdommer var "overall" godtatt, godkjent og ikke et skummelt tabu, noe man er like redd for som man var for mennesker med AIDS på 80-tallet.

DOG, jeg har desverre blitt smertefullt klar over at har man først "stempelet" på seg, som psykisk syk/han-hun har hatt en psykisk knekk, f.eks, så vil samfunnet behandle deg som "damaged goods"! Og folk kan prøve å mpotsi dette, folk kan sitte der på sine høye hester og si de er da bedre utdannet og verdensvante enn som så, men få de på tomannshånd, og du vil få se deres ekte farger! Lurer på hvilken dag det skal bli greit jeg, å snakke åpent om eksempelvis psykiske knekker, psykiske sykdommer og så videre??? For er folk klar over hvor stor prosentandel av A/S Norge som får tannhjulene dytet rundt av PSYKISK SYKE mennesker. Og ja, jeg understrekte mennesker, fordi det er jaggu ikke ofte jeg har opplevd en psykisk syk person bli behandlet som medmenneske!!

Det VILLESTE med denne storyen her er det faktum at en utrolig stor prosentandel av personer med en diagnose som kan kvalifiseres som en psykisk sykdom, faktisk blir 100% "friske"  (friske... HVEM er egentlig friske? Definer det for meg ;P ), men, blir de friskmeldt av samfunnet derimot???

SLADDER er gifta!! Også kjent som de svake og feiges våpen. Fy flate så stor respekt jeg har for mennesker som angriper sine medsøstre eller medbrødre bare fordi de har vært igjennom noe så smertefullt at de ble svake i andres øyne for en stund, ergo; perfekt sjanse for skadeskyting!!!

tirsdag 19. april 2011


I går var første tur ut i solskinnet med engangsgrill og godsaker til Sofienbergsparken. Perfect spot for yoga and barbequeing :D

Her er et par bilder fra dagen:

mandag 18. april 2011


Det er en person, som egentlig burde stå meg nær, som jeg faktisk trodde stod meg nær, som meget beklagelig har vist sine ekte farger... Den det gjelder vet utrolig godt hva dette gjelder, men jeg vil bare dele med dere her i blogguniverset hva en person kan få seg til å si om meg, en person som blant annet har reddet livet til det eneste familiemedlemmet til denne personen.

Denne ustabile personen hører bare det hun vil høre, resten man prøver å fortelle blir bare hvit støy tydeligvis. Når denne personen kommer til orde, er det sjokkerende ofte hvor MYE løgn som blir servert, men kamuflert som "****kjærlighet. Lyvingen og manipuleringen er selvfølgelig et våpen for å kontrollere familemedlemmet sitt. Vi lurer begge på om personen har et snev av alzheimers, fordi ALDRI, og da mener jeg ALDRI, vurderes noen andres syn på en sak, personen gjør seg opp en mening om hva sannheten være, og bestemmer og klynger seg fast til denne fantasien for alt det er verdt.

Personen SELV kan behandle hvem som helst som søppel, sin nærmeste familie, det mennesket på jord som skal elskes betingelsesløst blant annet!! 

DOG, Gud forby at noen sårer følelsene til denne personen istedet!!! Da settes et drama uten sidestykke i gang: 
Jeg kommer konstant på et barne-eventyr hver gang denne personen invaderer livet vårt på nye, oppfinnsomme og mer og mer irriterende måter, for ikke å nevne ulovlige, og det eventyret er om Petter som ropte ULV!

SÅ mye løgn og manipulasjon vi må utstå vil resultere i at den dagen det virkelig gjelder stiller vi ikke opp, på grunn av alle løgnene og all manipuleringen.

Hvorfor/hvordan klarte du å si så mye stygt og backstabbing OM meg, for deretter å klistre på deg et kjempefalskt glis neste gang du ser meg? Du tror du er veldig tøff, selvsikker, trygg, og verdensvant.... Men egentlig er du bare en plagsom bølle som bare tør å si hva du egentlig mener bak ryggen på folk!!! Og du skryter av å ha blitt en moden person!!!!! 


Jekker ikke du deg ned et par hundre hakk, så blir du alene og ensom resten av livet ditt. Vår familie skal holdes så langt unna deg at de ikke engang får vite om din eksistens hvis ikke du kan begynne å følge VÅRE premisser!! Forstå at ikke HELE verden fungerer slik du vil at den skal gjøre. Innse at i dag KAN en kvinne ta av sin egen jakke, en kvinne KAN åpne egne dører, hvor kommer denne plutselige snobbete oppførselen fra? Veldig dobbeltmoralsk når man kjenner din oppførsel og du roper ut om at folk rundt deg ikke har dannelse!!

Vil du ha tilgivelse fra OSS, skal det mer til enn et par semi-kostbare klær du heller vil se oss i, enn de vi kjøper selv?! Denne gangen har du gått så langt at veien til tilgivelse nå er en LANG en!!

Føles det bra å angripe unge mennesker som har vært igjennom en alvorlig livskrise?

Morning yoga

Just did my "Ashtanga-yoga", to soften up and get a beautiful start to the day :) 

Later on today I guess my "almost husband" and I will be doing another round of "Hatha - strength-yoga" to get our "juices flowing" phah.. but seriously, it's the closest we ever can come to total serenity <3

søndag 17. april 2011

A LITTLE bragging... ;P

I just want to celebrate that i have had more than 6000 visits on this amateur-blog I just started writing, partly for my own sanity ;P , about 4 months ago. I just want to say that I am deeply moved by the fact that I have visitors from over 20 countries... This is a BIG deal to me, and I will do my best to write a blog that is worth people visiting! So once again, THANK YOU!


English comment/"explanation in bottom ;)

Har satt, MINST, skandinavisk rekord i vårrengjøring i dag! Satte i gang for fulle kluter mens min kjære var ute en tur. Fylte bøtter med grønnsåpe, OG skyllemiddel for glansens skyld ;P

Av en eller annen grunn blir jeg en maskin når jeg rengjør, så sitter her kokvarm selv et par timer etterpå :D :D

Her skal jeg vise frem bilder av den ville vaskekjerringa :)  :

Til og med "habbiten" er "oldschool-vaskekjerring" ;P

Leiligheten ble uansett toaly shina på rekordtid, OG jeg rakk å lakkere neglene med en nydelig oransje fra Dior ;P (hehehe)

Vi gleder oss begge helt VILT mye til å flytte herfra veldig snart! 
Oslo er en smooth nok by den ass, men vi er begge så dritalei ALT denne byen minner oss om!

Et liv i FRED på landet, hvor vi ENDELIG kan ta opp igjen vår kunst... Ja, det er som om i en drøm, dette er vår største lykke i livet for tiden... Det føles som i er i ferd med å "heles" :) (Kanskje det er en mening med at Heggen kirke ligger  som nabo???) 

Vårrengjøringen ble en åpenbaring for oss begge faktisk!! Innmari spaca!!! Men det er et slikt par vi er <3 

Hans lykke betyr alt, og når han har den med meg, så er verden bare helt perfekt!! :) :)

Forelskelsen vår er fortsatt like sterk som første gang vi møtte hverandre!! :) Gud, for en magi <3

Nå skal vi skape ny magi, i et nytt hus :) :) :)

I am yours <3

THE PROMISE (Tracy Chapman-cover by my dadda and myself ;)


Here she is; "Lille Vesla.... or "Tiny Tooth" as we someetimes call her ;)

 Sleepin' under the couch... The FAVOURITE SPOT ;P

 Claimer "ownership" over mora si :D

We really, really, really love our black and furry-sweet little "daughter" <3 <3 <3


Det var en gang en liten jente som gikk seg ned i kjellern.
Den var mørk, og ikke særlig appetittelig.
Kjelleren var et like ille sted som det hun gikk fra for å slippe unna det vonde.
Det store aberet var dog at i kjelleren så var hun alene.
Ingen kunne se, høre, snakke til eller tvinge jenta til å gjøre noen ting.

Så jenta blei der hun var.

I kjellern.

Mye senere, uker, måneder eller kanskje til og med ett år senere så banket det på kjellerdøra.

Den lille jenta visste ikke hva hun skulle gjøre.
Her nede han hun vært i ly for alt som kunne virke skummelt, eller verre: virkelig var farlig!
Hun lyttet.
Det banket ikke på igjen.

I kjelleren satt ei lita jente.

Hun kunne ikke huske hvor lenge hun hadde vært der.
Hun visste ikke hvorfor hun var der.
Ingenting dukket opp hver gang hun forsøkte å forstå hva som hadde skjedd.

I en kjeller satt ei lita jente.

Hun var redd for å forlate kjelleren.

lørdag 16. april 2011


Denne bloggen er min realistiske, samt ESTETISKE verden!!!!

Happy day :D

So... the day today started in the most perfect way possible ;) I rolled over to kiss my man goodmorning, and it quickly resulted in GLORIOUS morning-sex... Or "early-bearly" as we call it ;P And GOD it was amazing! I knew from beforehand that I have the most excellent, caring, handsome and JUST man in my life, but EVERYTIME we do the "horisontal tango" he's so good I loose my breath :)Never did I know that making love could be this emotionally PERFECT, and oh my God the guy can move ;P ;P ;P

So... the day starts with the biggest and best sign of pure love that anyone could ever hope for, and after he got finished flipping me around in bed, we washed together, and went outside for a lovely day in the sun... 
Holding hands, stopping at almost every block to loose eachother in kisses and taking pictures of some of it :)

I got him a present, a really special crystal, "aventurin", worth about 300 dollars., and he loves these things...all that is alternative is kinda "his deal" ;) (mine too)

I'll post a couple of pictures of our day today, and after that -  my love of my life and myself are going to make more sweet, sweet love... Hihihi <3 

After over 4 years of partnership we are more in love than ever, which is just AWESOME... and because a certain person is spewing out evil words, lies and  I'm not even kidding; demonic behavior towards us, our love has just grown stronger and STRONGER!!!! So I should actually be grateful for the ignorance ;P

Poor stupid idiotic fool that tries to split us, I seriously feel sorry for the person for being SO dumb!! But, she's digging her own grave, and  is too egotistical and shortsited to see the consequenses of the lying actions, so whatever's gonna happen as a result of this sudden hate-campain, I truly think a taste of the same medicine would be in place!! Maybe FINALLY then this person will understand that she's NOT this perfect person she manipulates people to think!

Well, it's amazing how love grow in spite of adversity, and it's a beautiful thing to be a part of, so for my part, the "hater" is already forgiven, even though I probably NEVER will be respected or anything like that!!
 På Løkka :)
Roy på Paviljongen <3
<3 <3 <3 <3

Beautiful, beautiful day :)

Today we have a very beautiful day here in Oslo, the sun is shining, hardly a cloud in the sky and we are in LOVE <3

My boyfriend and me have been walking in the sun, soaking in the loveliness, taking pictures and windowshopping, and just LOVING life :)

Sadly there is a person, whom I wont name (yet!!!) that's still terrorising us... writing insane lies about me to my fiance', lying about practically everything and acting just evil. It's true, the person has turned out to be a lying backstabbing, manipulating and evil egotistical person. 

Luckily this plague (the most fitting name I can come up with) is not the smartest person, so we have TONS of things/evidence we can use against this person, and we have also talked to the police about this, and the ONLY reason we're not making a police-case out of all that's been done to US, is because we aren't evil-minded like this person is!

In this persons world it's all about WINNING, the truth comes secondly, sadly that ain't how we roll!!!

What do you readers think about a person thats close to you, but starts making up lies and terrorising and bullying, just because the person MUST have things done excactly how he/she demands? 

Would really like some thoughts on this matter!

Live in peace, and be good to eachother <3

fredag 15. april 2011


Bramha, Allah, Jevovah, Vishnu, Ahuramazda, Shiva...  
What’s in a name?  
A way to identify the same,  
Geography, language is mainly to blame.  
Your glory is such,  
Man asks for too much.  
Meditation or one pointed concentration is the key,  
But who says there is no fee?  
Day to dawn makes no sense,  
What does? We call nonsense.  
Who am I and why am I here?  
Has just become my greatest fear.  
Is justice to be done with the strength in my hands?  
Or by sweet words maybe written in the sand?  
When will you set me free?  
So that I can be with thee.  
How am I to live in bliss?  
When I stop myself from giving all a kiss.  
Why do I write I do not know?  
It is only ink on paper to show. 



If these walls could talk,
you'd know my body is dead,
my mind has been taken over,
that's why I am so scared,
I can't control it,
anger is making me blind,
I've been left here on my own
chained to a hate of some kind.
If these walls could talk.

If these walls could talk,
you'd know about my fears,
about all those nights I screamed for help,
about all my fallen tears.
You'd know about the demons
haunting me at night,
you'd be able to help me
keep my fire alight,
if these walls could talk.

If these walls could talk
they would say that it's all right,
God sends His angels
to look over me at night.
They'd encourage me,
say though I am alone
it doesn't mean Im on my own.
He watches me, from above
and showers me with all His love,
if only these walls could talk.

Niccolò Machiavelli

Niccolò Machiavelli’s best-known book, Il Principe, contains a number of maxims concerning politics, but rather than the more traditional subject of a hereditary prince, it concentrates on the possibility of a "new prince". To retain power, the hereditary prince must carefully maintain the socio-political institutions to which the people are accustomed; whereas a new prince has the more difficult task in ruling, since he must first stabilize his new-found power in order to build an enduring political structure. That requires the prince being concerned with reputation but also being willing to act immorally. As a political scientist, Machiavelli emphasises the occasional need for the methodical exercise of brute force, deceit, and so on.
Notwithstanding some mitigating themes, the Catholic Church proscribed The Prince, registering it to the Index Librorum Prohibiturum, and humanists also viewed the book negatively, among them,Erasmus of Rotterdam. As a treatise, its primary intellectual contribution to the history of political thought is the fundamental break between political Realism and political Idealism — thus, The Prince is a manual to acquiring and keeping political power. In contrast with Plato and Aristotle, Machiavelli insisted that an imaginary ideal society is not the model for a prince to orient himself by.
Concerning the differences and similarities in Machiavelli's advice to ruthless and tyrannical princes in The Prince and his more republican exhortations in Discourses on Livy, many have concluded that The Prince although written in the form of advice for a monarchical prince, contains arguments for the superiority of republican regimes, similar to those found in the Discourses. In the 18th century the work was even called a satire, for example by Jean-Jacques Roussau. More recently, commentators such as Leo Strauss and Harvey Mansfield have agreed that the Prince can be read as having a deliberate comical irony. Other commentators have not seen the irony as deliberate comedy, but most commentators agree that the Prince is republican to some extent.
Antonio Gramsci argued that Machiavelli's audience for this work was not even the ruling class but the common people because the rulers already knew these methods through their education.


                             Thomas More
Thomas More sketched out his best known and most controversial work, UTOPIA.It was completed and published in 1516, a novel in Latin.

In it a traveller, Raphael Hythlodeaus (in Greek, his name and surname allude to archangel Raphael, purveyor of truth, and mean "speaker of nonsense"), describes the political arrangements of the imaginary island country of Utopia (Greek pun on ou-topos [no place], eu-topos [good place]) to himself and to Pieter Gillis.

At the time, most literate people could understand the actual meaning of the word "utopia" because of the relatively widespread knowledge of the Greek language.

This novel describes the city of Amaurote by saying, "Of them all this is the worthiest and of most dignity".
Utopia contrasts the contentious social life of European states with the perfectly orderly, reasonable social arrangements of Utopia and its environs (Tallstoria, Nolandia, and Aircastle). In Utopia, with communal ownership of land, private property does not exist, men and women are educated alike, and there is almost complete religious toleration.

Some take the novel's principal message to be the social need for order and discipline rather than liberty. The country of Utopia tolerates different religious practices but does not tolerate atheists. Hythlodeaus theorizes that if a man did not believe in a god or in an afterlife he could never be trusted, because he would not acknowledge any authority or principle outside himself.

More used the novel describing an imaginary nation as a means of freely discussing contemporary controversial matters; speculatively, he based Utopia on monastic communalism, based upon the Biblical communalism in the Acts of the apostels.

Utopia is a forerunner of the utopian literary genre, wherein ideal societies and perfect cities are detailed. Although Utopianism is typically a Renaissance movement, combining the classical concepts of perfect societies of Plato and Aristotle with Roman rhetorical finesse, it continued into the Enlightenment.  

Utopia's original edition included the symmetrical "Utopian alphabet" that was omitted from later editions; it is a notable, early attempt at cryptography that might have influenced the development of shorthand.

 Utopia ironically points out, through Raphael, More's ultimate conflict between his beliefs as a humanist and a servant of the King at court. More tries to illustrate how he can try and influence courtly figures including the king to the humanist way of thinking but as Raphael points out, one day they will come into conflict with the political reality.


One of the most troublesome questions about Utopia is Thomas More's reason for writing it. Some of the ideas in it, such as the ease of divorce, euthanasia and both married priests and female priests, seem to be polar opposites of his beliefs and those expected of the devout Catholic that he was. The concept of religious toleration seems to jar particularly with the information we have about him as Lord Chancellor, that he was a keen opponent of Protestants. Similarly, the criticism of lawyers comes from a writer who, as Lord Chancellor, was arguably the most influential lawyer in England.
Also the communistis life style of a Utopian shows the value that More placed on a simpler communal life, reflecting his longing for monastic duties. This in obvious juxtaposition to his city life in London. However some see it as reflecting his pride in public service and working for a common cause.
Utopia is often seen as a satire and there are many jokes and satirical asides such as how honest people are in Europe, but these are usually contrasted with the simple, uncomplicated society of the Utopians.
The second option is that More agreed with the ideas he was propounding. The method of making a story about an imaginary place told by an imaginary man has the effect of distancing More from his radical political thoughts. Apart from Utopia meaning "Noplace" several other lands are mentioned: Achora meaning "Nolandia", Polyleritae meaning "Muchnonsense", Macarenses meaning "Happiland" and the river Anydrus meaning "Nowater". These names are designed to emphasise the illusory nature of the work and Raphael's last name, Hythlodaeus meaning "dispenser of nonsense" helps to discredit his words among those who get the joke.
The name Raphael, though, may have been chosen by More to remind his readers of the archangel Raphael who is mentioned in the Book of Tobit. In that book the angel guides Tobias and later cures his father of his blindness. While Hythloday may suggest his words are not to be trusted, Raphael meaning "God has healed" suggests that Raphael may be opening the eyes of the reader to what is true. The suggestion that More may have agreed with the views of Raphael is given weight by the way he dressed; with "his cloak was hanging carelessly about him"; a style which Roger Ascham reports that More himself was wont to adopt. Furthermore, more recent criticism has questioned the reliability of both Gile's annotations and the character of "More" in the text itself. Claims that the book only subverts Utopia and Hythloday are possibly oversimplistic.


He would make a lovely corpse, but I won't make a contribution to it!

Salvador Dali

"The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels; it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant." 


I JUST had a blog up here, which i temporarely had to remove (and believe you me, it WILL be back) all because of my "monster-in-law". 

I only wrote the truth about what this person has DONE the last couple of days, what she had done to me and espescially that this made me want to involve the POLICE!! Can you believe it??!! She's the one who breaks the law by calling officials and lying about her firstborne, so that she can CLAIM controll over him (you see, he is SO fed up over her manipulation that he wants nothing to do with her at the moment, so now she tries EVERYTHING to enter our appartenment , or our lives in any way necessary! Even if it means breaking the law... But it is me, who blogs the truth thats getting threatened with the police etc....

Well, I called the cops myself today, and as I suspected, she is the one who should be reported  because of her "pain in the ass" behaviour, or herv *"abusive behaviour" as the policewoman called it!!

Thank God we have the law on our side!! I will write SO much more about this, but for now I'll let her be anonymous, only because I don't want to see her lying, backstabbing face ever again, and after a good long while, I will be telling it all! 

I have read all the guidelines and rules for this blog and I know with 100% certainty that I am in accordance with every law here! I HAVE BROKEN NO LAW!! Also; what is the justice in the fact that a person can slander and bully me all that she wants, but when I carefully try to defend myself and tell some truths about whats really going on, she starts threatening me??

This is an old woman, and she isn't excactly very "wordly" but is that an excuse to do whatever she wants, just because she decides so?

To be totally honest I am terrified of her. I am afraid of my life, I am afraid she will try to harm or hurt me, or in worst case; kill me. She has even hinted to this before, that she would kill if she had to!!

All I've EVER done to and for her is to try to be her friend, to be nice to her, and to learn from her, but she only seems to hate me. I can NEVER do anything right in her eyes. Never has she told me that I have done anything right, it's ALWAYS critisism :(

Never, ever, EVER have I met such a devious person! NEVER :(

torsdag 14. april 2011


God is the greatest artist
To whom no one can compare,
Streaking sunsets very beautiful,
Painting rainbows in the air.
Brushing green the hillside scene,
Blotting blue the sky above,
Splashing flowers 'cross the ground beneath,
Shading white clouds with His glove.
Of the wonders God has made
There is none that is so fair
As the smile He paints upon your face
When you realize He's there.

Hello dada na ndugu

Itakuwa ni heshima, na kupata kujua zaidi juu yenu!



ENDELIG skal min kjære forlovede og jeg flytte vekk fra denne sprøytebefengte, eksos-byen! Oslo altså... Prøver ikke å si at Oslo er DEN rotte-byen, men det jeg sier er at VI er "fed up" av å bo i Oslo sentrum etter 4 år med irritasjon over byen, folka i den, pluss en hel haug andre ting.

Sier ikke at det er bye bye forever,men for noen år (eller fler) nå så MÅ vi vekk. Vi drømmer om, og GLEDER oss til å bo på et mindre sted, med mindre mennesker, med en helt annen "feel".

Vi skal gå turer i skogen som ligger rett bak huset, vi skal gå skogsbilveien over til kirken på søndager, trene yoga på den romslige verandaen, nyte den nydelige utsikten... rett og slett; LEVE igjen!! Skikkelig :D

Kunsten vi begge kommer til å produsere der, bare vet jeg kommer til å bli fantastisk bra og morsom å lage ikke minst!! 




dans og yoga

...The sky is the limit :)

Vi føler oss begge MEGAinspirerte bare av tanken på vårt nye hjem!!


tirsdag 12. april 2011

Moving project!!

In a few weeks me and the fiance' will be moving to the nearest thing one can come to paradise on earth :D
 I will come back VERY soon with all the excisting news about our new HOUSE, hihi, rubbi'n it in a little bit ;P Just because it's gonna be a god damn relief to get out of the "needle-capitol" of Europe, also known as Oslo!!

In a very short while the moving of our lives is in action.... Cant WAIT to tell all of you following this blog about what we find out, what new things about life we will discover, if we will discover new things about ourselves AND eachothers because of the different circumstanses...?!!

So... Had to make this short, but will write SO much more about these things... the move... amongst other things aswell!!
Still want to tell all my faithfull readers and followers to the blog that you make my day, I LOVE ALL OF YOU for this ;)