tirsdag 12. april 2011

Moving project!!

In a few weeks me and the fiance' will be moving to the nearest thing one can come to paradise on earth :D
 I will come back VERY soon with all the excisting news about our new HOUSE, hihi, rubbi'n it in a little bit ;P Just because it's gonna be a god damn relief to get out of the "needle-capitol" of Europe, also known as Oslo!!

In a very short while the moving of our lives is in action.... Cant WAIT to tell all of you following this blog about what we find out, what new things about life we will discover, if we will discover new things about ourselves AND eachothers because of the different circumstanses...?!!

So... Had to make this short, but will write SO much more about these things... the move... amongst other things aswell!!
Still want to tell all my faithfull readers and followers to the blog that you make my day, I LOVE ALL OF YOU for this ;)

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