torsdag 28. juli 2011

Love or revenge???

I just have to ask myself if we should be a little bit proud of ourselves, as a people! The reason why is that compared to what happened in september 2001, we are not yelling and screaming for revenge, but instead we focus on lovig STRONGER, on loving our familys and loving our neighbour! Young teenangers has been seen on television saying that now we have to "skjerpe oss"/ pull ourselves together so that we can show eachother love, and show it a whole lot! We have been on memory-markings for several days, and the love that flows through people, people we did not know even know at all, was out of this world!! In the words of the norwegian AUF-girl; if one man can create this much hate, just imagine how much love all of US can create! 

I am excperiencing a peace and a wish for peace, aswell as a demand for an even stronger democracy! Sadly these events bring my thougts back to Bush Jr., his words right after the terror; "We are going to catch them, dead or alive''' and also the shameful quote; "you are either with us or else you are against us"! Not exceactly a message of love and strenghtening a democracy, eh?

Our Norwegian prime minister, aswell as the other people that has been affected, or targeted the worst that bloody day, are persons tat are big enough to NOT go the route of revenge, but instead repeteadly saying that THIS IS THE TIME TO STRENGHTEN our democraty!! I weep for the Americans that had a wild-wild-west president that were leading a people in hate instead of love, and that in the aftermath started DAMAGING the American democracy, with laws outside of the constitution, starting SEVERAL wars etc. I wonder, just asa side-thought, if it were a democratic president during 9.11, that things would have 
been less COLD??

Bush: "We will take him, dead or alive, lets hunt them down"
Stoltenberg: "The answer to violence is even more democracy"

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