lørdag 14. april 2012

Wise words of an anonymous "brother in arms"

I DIDN'T WANT TO SAY I TOLD YOU SO - BUT I TOLD YOU SO. If Gaga is popping Xanax, then she is, as I predicted, probably going the way of Amy Winehouse and Lindsey Lohan - high profile celebrity drug addicts. You know that all her people have to be ENABLING this behavior. She's probably got her interns running to doctors to get her this pill and that. Xanax is not a sleep aid - it causes sleepiness and as we saw with Whitney - it can kill.

 I have always said that she was doped up on something when she goes on television. Probably either Xanax or Klondopin which is an anti-anxiety medication is used widely around here in Hollywood - where I am writing from. The monotone voice and blank expression are typical side affects of either of these drugs. Which makes her even more dangerous if she is mixing these with alcohol AND she's careening and LA in her new $250,000 sports car. Regarding her appearance with Maria Shriver - I wouldn't put too much common sense on Ms. Shriver as she somehow as unable to tell that her husband was banging their housekeeper for nine years under her nose. 

Gaga will go to any interview, and like Mitt Romney, say anything, agree to anything, say she is against anything, as long as it gets her camera time. (Hence making her as I've always said no better then Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann or Ann Coulter. And yes, I'm comparing to her to Republican women on purpose because I thinks that who she really is. She worships the dollar, hates her fans - the middle class - and wants power and fame at the expense of all around her, while not having to pay any dues or really having to work that hard at it. 

One other thing, most addicts or persons with eating disorders have to spend years in therapy to get their lives untangled. You can't fool me - this broad is still sticking one of claws down her throat and vomiting up her food. The fact that Maria Shriver didn't ask a follow up in the interview on how she stopped this behavior is typical and telling of Hollywood.

Lets watch a stoned Lady Caca;

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