onsdag 22. februar 2012


Since I've already posted some nastyness about the most narcissistic, talentless (and no, I'm not saying she cant sing, or play notes on a piano that someone else has written for her to play), overhyped "beech" in the music industry as of today... I think it only roght and proper to counter with some REAL talent (and again, this artist NEVER said she was the greatest dancer or singer, but she said that she kept on touring her massive tours for political and human reasons)
Lady Gaga: Wants to shock, just because of the attention the shock value gives her (just like the true narcissist she is)
Madonna: Wanted/wants to shock so that people will open their eyes to the unjustices of the world (in the 80's it was, amongst other things gay rights... remember if you defended the gay in that decade you risked becoming an outcast FAST. She also opens peoples eyes to wars going on in different parts of the world in her concerts, especially the Israel/Palestine -conflict)

Lady "Caca" (yes I know caca means "SHIT" in spanish, thats why I only call her by that name... the evil thief that she is) only supports LGBT because it's in fashion. She wil NEVER talk any other politic. Maybe that's because her entire family are republicans, and if she starts opening her mouth about pressing issues she will be as "see through as her panties". Madonna on the other hand were a BIG supporter of the Obama-campaign (but she advises people to vote whatever they want, she just wants people to use their precious VOICE!

Well, well, look at me ranting on.... I just wanted to say a few short words as an intro to one of the MANY videos of Madonna that proves she is in SUCH another league than Lady Caca!!!
(And the kicker is; I'm not even a pop-music "person"... I like rock, metal, trash metal, folk, jazz, blues, classical, bluegrass, indie, gospel etc.... Pop used to be an embarrasing word in my and my friends vocabulary. But, I am 29 years old now, and my music-taste is becoming more and more eclectic, so "POP".... why the hell not ;-D